Everything you need to bring the Math Mights to 4th grade!
Build mathematical strategies for addition, subtraction, multiplication, and division from whole number to decimal with our memorable Math Mights characters! The citizens of Mathville represent each strategy so students can associate the characters with the strategies and begin to use mathematical vocabulary appropriately.
The Mega Math Mights Bundle includes:
Copyright Notice: Purchase of this product entitles use by one teacher in his or her classroom. This use includes displaying, posting, and/or projecting content in the teacher’s classroom, as well as printing and/or copying worksheets for student use in that teacher’s classes.
Please note that digital items can be downloaded from the confirmation page immediately after placing your order, from an email with the subject line "Files ready for download — SIS4Teachers" from shannon@sis4teachers.org, or in the order history in your SIS4Teachers Store account.